Mercato contadino di Bollate

You didn’t need to go far

Brand identity for the farmers‘ market “Mercato contadino di Bollate”

Exploring the relationship between earth and sustainable food inspired by the seasonal farm-to-table fare of rural Italy. The graphics needed to be friendly, approachable and charming, but also suitably high-end, to convey the quality of products.

The new identity is composed of simple icons that provide a kit of parts for applications ranging from merchandising to environmental graphics. They provide a sense of familiarity and intuitiveness that captures the appeal of its healthy, welcoming atmosphere and emphasizes locally sourced ingredients.

Art Direction  ·  Branding  ·  Icons
Designer · Simona Eva Saponara, Daris Diego Del Ciello · 2016
  ·  Ciboprossimo


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