Pacunaímba  – L’avventuroso viaggio
di Santo Emanuele

Michele D’Ignazio

Book design for young adult literature

From the author of Storia di una matita, a magical and visionary novel that weaves poetry and comedy and gives us the story of an extraordinary journey from a southern Italy suspended between sky and sea to a wild and seductive Brazil.

The title is inspired by a 1928 novel by Màrio De Andrade, Macunaíma.

— Illustration by Silvia Mauri

Some slices of Pacunaímba

We worked alongside with the Illustrator Silvia and the Editor Stefania, creating this truly fantastic journey around the world and imaginative themes of the author.

Author — Michele D’Ignazio
Illustrator — Silvia Mauri
Designer —
Simona Eva Saponara | Studioprodesign
Art direction —
Sergio Pappalettera
Editor — Stefania Di Mella
Publisher — Rizzoli
Publishing date —
February 2016


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