Wine Mythology Label

Design competition for limited edition
Amarone Vigneti di Jago DOCG 2012, Domini Veneti

In the late 2016 we took part of Wine Mythology Label design competition promoted by CODE (Competition for Designers) with Cantina Valpolicella Negrar. The competition theme was around the character of Ulysses from HomerOdyssey joined with a limited edition of Amarone – Vigneti di Jago 2012. The jury was composed, among others, by David Carson, Alessandra Scandella and Sawdust Studio. For this small project we won a gold mention.



[…] the great bow of divine Odysseus, and whosoever shall most easily string the bow in his hands and shoot an arrow through all twelve axes […] For there is no man among all these here such as Odysseus […]

Homer, The Odyssey (Book XXI)

Gold Mention


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